It was a grey and rather dark day. However, now when it's only couple of degrees below zero the birds are very lively chasing each other and trying to sing a bit. Today was the first time this year I saw this gorgeous bird in our river.
I broke my camera's USB plug yesterday by kicking the cable when it was still attached. I haven't broken much of my stuff earlier but now these accidents seem to be piling up. Replacing the broken tripod by new one cost 169 euros. Though I haven't got any information yet about the availability of spare parts to the old one. Lens hood was 69 euros. I think that's very expensive piece of plastic. I know there are cheaper versions available but the freight will raise the price for them too. And now I have the genuine Nikon hood :)
- 1
- 0
- Nikon D90
- 1/100
- f/5.6
- 300mm
- 800
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