out of the shadows

By MrsHart3


Today I'm remembering someone I never got to know.
All I knew was the raw and gaping hole that was left in her dad's life 19 years ago
This is a sunflower that Oliver is growing, in front of my kitchen blind
They always remind me of her
No one can ever know how the loss of a child feels unless they have experienced it, but I found this poem.

My Soul Hurts

I stare into the void life is
I recall the memories,
Joyful, exuberant, rambunctious.
These tears rushing down my face,
Cannot bring my child back.
The wailing in my soul will never cease.
This heartache I feel, unbearable,
How will life go on,
For my child is gone.
Robbed from me.
I question life's existence,
Why God temporarily made my soul complete,
Only to shred it beyond repair.
I live on but I will never be the same.
For a piece of my soul is gone forever.

If you read this, know that I am thinking of you

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