Busy Bees

I real;ised to day that i had gone through practically the whole of a summer season without a bee capture so I proceeeded to remedy that this afternoon. the best location for bees in summer is normally around our fuschia bush. Sadly this year the bush although it has planty of flowerw on it looks rather forlorn, a bit droopy and the trumpets dasngling rather than opening fully so a lot of my initial captures were rather like the one in the top left of my montage. However, with a little bit of perseverance and a change of camera (my Canon 7D is much quicker autofocussing at action shots than my 6D) I was quiter pleased with the range of shots I achieved particularly the ones where I caught them in flight. I do love my full frontal shot (bottom left)as the bee looks rather angry and bog-eyed. For better bug-eyed view LARGE

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