The light option...

Seaside (Dunwich) tomorrow, which camera should I take?

The big canon and all the gear so I can get moody shots of the sea coming in with a 10 stop filter to make it all milky?
Or the little Fuji so I can sit in the pub and not worry about taking pictures.

I suspect I'll take both. Anyone looking for a little camera should have a look at the little Fuji, I think it is an xf, about £130. Very pleased so far.

In contrast to a fun day yesterday I have had the misery of DIY. Treating a worktop and painting a ceiling for the new bathroom. What a flipping pain. The Stuff I have put on the worktop is based on some alarmingly pongy chemicals, I'm feeling slightly outer worldly at the moment. One more coat on the ceiling then I can put the worktop in, which I have been told must be done today or it will warp!

No pressure there then, well there would not be if I did not have band practise at 8!


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