
By elsie


Our diddyman turns 4 tomorrow, that means I have been breastfeeding for 4 whole years! Wow. I couldn't be more proud of how far we have come on this journey. It is, without doubt, one of the most difficult and most rewarding things I/we have achieved and deserves to be celebrated :)

It has become such second nature these days that I don't even think about it nowadays. I always forget to take photos. It's probably a year since the last one, and almost a year since Dylan decided he no longer needed mummy milk. It also dawned on me yesterday that I am still feeding lily in public. She's 2 now. She can walk and talk and everything! I had stopped feeding Dylan in public around 18months as I worried people might judge. So very thankful to never have experienced any negativity and to have supportive friends and family, many if whom continue to feed their toddlers and remind us it IS normal.

Check out that cheeky grin. What's not to love? <3

Lots of fun in store for tomorrow. I wonder what time the birthday boy will wake, fit to burst?

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