Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

It's been a while...

... but this morning I found some rust that I haven't blipped before.

I had my annual diabetes review yesterday and my blood sugar has gone through the roof... hopefully it's stress which should all be over in 10 days time.

Yesterday's other stress was when my brother and sis in law went into the flat to put up the bed they found the kitchen hadn't been cleaned. The letting agents told her that they had refunded the deposit to the previous tenant so there was nothing they could do. Big mistake to try to pull the wool over my sister in laws eyes. She loves a mission and believe me she was on a mission. The outcome is that the owner is having the kitchen professionally cleaned under sis in laws supervision and will take it up with the letting agent. I'm a bit less confrontational and would have just cleaned it so I am so grateful that Jane sorted it. I also spoke to the owner who is lovely and is so upset at what the agents have allowed to happen. Didn't help my blood sugar I guess; nor did the Mars Bar I had as consolation. Today has been fine so far... : -))

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