
By BecsG

Lagos de Los enamorados

We woke up this morning and there were even more people in the flat as Didiers family arrived from Medellin over night. After a late breakfast we set off in convoy! 4 cars and a mini van full of people and supplies for the weekend!
We drove for 3 hours through incredible country side - and the climate got warmer and warmer. We arrived at the lake which it surrounded by hills. What I hadn't realised when we were invited to a finca was that this house for the weekend was on the side of the lake! We took a boat for 15 minutes until we came to an island on the side of the lake. There were two blocks with rooms and a large open kitchen, space for eating and dancing and a pool. It was breath taking how beautiful and how remote.
After an afternoon siesta we had a bbq and got ready for Didiers birthday party. He'd hired musicians and we danced till late! The band was incredible with a female trombonist!

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