A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum

Back To Life, Back To Reality

We are back after two and a half weeks in Europe, visiting Amsterdam and then cruising the Baltic. Had a fabulous time (as you will see when I get round to backblipping), but sadly all good things, including 4 course dinners, must come to an end.

Tonight we are having "daddy burgers" for dinner, washed down with a fine glass or two of the cheap plonk "Celebrity Vintages Champagne" we found in our cabin and lugged all the way back with us, (so we could maximise the usage of our drink package while on board). I'm glad to say that for 10 out of 12 days we beat the package by drinking copious amounts of lattes and perrier, and the odd glass of wine ;)

A great trip, now back to the diet :(

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