my little eye

By clarebeme


...for inspiration I think, there wasn't a queue. The Skate Park under the Southbank remains under threat. I don't know the proposals in detail but really I think it should stay - it's part of the fabric of the area and 'keeps it real' to coin a phrase from da streets.

We de-camped this morning, raced home, showered off the fire smoke and went straight back out to a (mediocre) theatre production for the kids and then an excellent afternoon on the Southbank. The 'Love' Festival provided lots of cute, creative entertainment including digital distorted mirrors, colourful benches to run on, slides, breakdancing demos, origami cranes and an inflatable pink tank. Natch. All happening and all free for all to enjoy. Good stuff.

Alternative skatepark shot.

Friends staying over this eve - they're camped in every bedroom. Meanwhile our camping stuff is staying in the car. Wonder how many day's it'll be before we get round to hoiking it out. Before I drive the girls to their grandma's on Wednesday? We'll see...

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