
By Isabel

The little candle...

Man loves company - even if it is only that of a small burning candle...
Georg C. Lichtenberg.

I last saw my colleague on 31st July when he brought me a lovely gift of handpicked wild Chanterelle mushrooms. He told me that he had wiped them clean for me and if I noticed any little bits of grass on them just to treat them as herbs. I did, and they were delicious. Thank you, S..

Today I learned he had passed away. An exceptional man, a great sense of humour, a keen interest in others and a life lived to the full... He will be greatly missed, but we were privileged to know him...

ES started work today, and happily all went well. Long may that continue...

Weather certainly now taking a turn for the Autumnal... It felt pretty nippy today... nights are fair drawing in...

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