Porty People and Places

Too close to call ...

As I write this, a calendar month from today, the polls will be about to close and the great Scottish nation will have decided its future. Until the votes are in and the scores are announced we will all continue to be up in the air and the turbulence in that air, is becoming increasingly noticeable!

What is also finally being noted, south of the border, is that the outcome of this vote on 18th September is going to have far reaching effects for the whole of the UK whatever the result.

Next Monday, on BBC 1 in Scotland and BBC 2 in England, at 2030, the whole of the UK who wish to, will be able to watch the second head to head debate between Salmond and Darling. Perhaps they should warm up with a game of Beach Volleyball?

( Today in Arbroath, Salmond, took time out from his latter day eponymous declaration to play a game of bowls. Was I the only person to remember that this is exactly what Sir Francis Drake did before taking on the Spanish Armada!?)

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