More Life of Sands

By sands

Souvenir from Barcelona

The last 3 days have been rather manic! I flew to Barcelona on Wednesday for meetings with Syreon (the Canadian company I am now working for) and our client. It was quite heavy going! I was involved in a short meeting on Wednesday night and then it was a full day meeting on Thursday and another half day meeting on Friday! But I excited to be working on this new contract and it was great to meet them all in person :-)

I got home late last night and with a migraine which, thankfully, I got rid of by this morning. I have spent today pottering about the flat in my new slippers - a souvenir from the hotel in Barcelona!

We also had a lifeboat shout today! As I was still in my pj's when the pager went, I didn't expect to get down in time to get on the boat but I did! It was quite an adrenaline rush - rescuing a capsized canoeist and a passerby who tried to help him, both in the surf just off the beach. But we got them both in the boat and the canoe as well and got them back to the harbour.

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