Hole In The Fence?

Still a strong northerly wind but sunny spells today and some showers too.

A fairly busy day in the museum. A few parents in with bored bairns, last few days before the schools go back and I bet they'll be glad of the peace :)
Walkies with the dogs before I head off to work in the pub tonight.

Walking along the banks with the dogs and plenty to watch with plenty of birds feeding in the rough seas. It always amazes me, the inventiveness of crofters and how they make use of all sorts :) Here there's been a hole in the fence and this crofter has used an old fishing box to mend the hole, more than likely washed up on the shore below. Recycling at it's best :) Not sure why there's so many fence posts though :) Taken along the banks at Aith, Cunningsburgh.

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