Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

safety in numbers...........

I was alone in the office today as my colleague is on holidays. I got lots of paperwork and budget work done which was great! I have a really sore arm though - may have to go to the doctor again tomorrow - its the rotor cuff in my shoulder and is really painful!

Like these dandelions, there are millions of plastic bags scattered all around Malawi - people buy things and then when they have used what is in the bag, they throw it away. We recycle everything it seems except plastic bags. This means that the roadsides are littered with rubbish! However........today the Government put a ban on plastic bags! I totally forgot and went into a shop this afternoon to buy a few things and when I reached the check out there were no bags! Usually I carry a bag with me but of course not today!!

It seems to be the week for cleaning things up. Yesterday we had white lines painted on the roads in town. On Friday last week the vendors (market traders) were taken off the streets and put into a permanent market!! Is this the new Malawi????

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