Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Well today was lovely.

I had another meditation class today and it was good. I learnt about compassionate acceptance, which is about being kind to yourself. Like there's a different between treating yourself and being kind. It's one thing to have a bubble bath but another to be content with yourself. Which I think is really important.

I also met up with a dear friend of mine. She's so lovely, I honestly wish I could make more time for her, I really do. Funnily enough, I was her brother today as well. Who just so happens to be my ex boyfriend hahahaha. Oh what a delight that was. Have you ever looked at someone and just wanted to scream 'what was I thinking?!'. Well that happened today. Man, we are so different.

This got me thinking if I'll ever feel like that about, well, him. I wondered if I would look back and want to be sick at the thought of him ever being my only one. I just don't know, because nothing bad ever happened. He was never mean to be. I guess time will tell on that one.

Also, I really like this eye shadow thing I've got going on. It's the electric palette from Urban Decay which Sarah got me for my birthday. I completely adore it of course.

Happy Blipping.

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