On a clear day...
... you can see for miles.
Normally from this point on the Garleton Hills you'd see a sweep of East Lothian farming land down to the sparkling* Firth of Forth and beyond the sweeping shoreline of the Kingdom of Fife.... Today, you can just about see the road in front of your wheels.
The insurance documents finally arrived today so we got the tax disc and headed out for a 'drive'. Never understood that concept of going for a drive that people seem to like to do (usually on a Sunday, and very slowly). But on a day like this it was the closest we got to fresh air. We were sort of looking for the Haddington end of the railway walk we like to do, but conditions were not good for finding anything today - so after a quick trip along to Asda (in the hope of brighter weather out by Dunbar) we just headed home.
I've a bit lost my blip mojo of late (have I mentioned that?). I'm hoping things will pick up soon. Hopefully I'll also have more time for wandering about to see what you've all been up to (yes, that's a sort of roundabout way of apologising for not commenting much lately).
Backblipped for yesterday - it just got too late last night. So here's some marmalade.
*some poetic licence may have been used in this blip.
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