Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

I did...

..have this ring stuck on my wedding finger for the last..at least 9 years. I was very slim when I got married so despite having sausage fingers this ring is quite wee. When I was pregnant with Elise..I was anything but slim, and the hottest Summer we'd had in years contributed to me being HUGE!! I had to get one ring sawn off as my fingers (and everything else) were so swollen I was getting nerve damage running up my arms. I left it too late to take off my wedding and engagement rings and luckily managed to avoid needing them cut off. I never really did get back down to my usual size after having Elise, so my rings never came off again.
Tonight I was twiddling with this one and it eventually came off. I'm happy as it can now get professionally cleaned and resized but sad because I daren't risk putting it straight back on and I feel odd not wearing it.

My wedding ring is still on at the moment though...need to lose a few more pounds if I am to wiggle it off too. Then maybe I won't freak out and get an odd claustrophobic finger when I get panicky at not being able to get them off...don't ask, just one of my many oddities :-)

P went back down the road to his "hutch" today. I sent him off with a few home comforts to make life better...you know loo roll, tea bags, a bowl, plate, comfy sheets and pillow...that sort of thing! At least this time he'll only be away till next Friday...already looking forward to it :-)


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