Nonday in Essex

Essex fields as seen from Gareth's car on the A12 earlier this evening when we went with his two boys for a drive to observe the V festival here in Chelmsford, from a distance, in the glorious early evening sunshine. Seriously considering that we must now be really old to enjoy going out for a "Sunday Drive" - something I always previously associated with my Grandparents half a century ago.....

Maddy and I passed a couple of comfortable hours together this afternoon. She spent the whole time making her woolly pompom (almost finished) and asking questions about her Grandad. One very moving moment was when she asked me if I had a photo of him sitting in his favourite chair (the one I am sitting in now) and the truth is, yes I do, but I don't want to show her because it breaks my heart.

Totally lost my Blip Mojo for a couple of days - neither inspiration nor inclination - but I will catch up soon...

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