The Killers pt.2

Left Liverpool this morning and drove down to Wolverhampton which is our home tonight. We left our stuff in the hotel and caught a shuttle bus to V Festival in Staffordshire. I am not a fan of V Fest. It's so commercialised and full of folks who are carbon copies of each other in their festival 'fashion'. Seems like this year it's all about fringed kimonos. Not really about the music. Actually the music was utterly pants all day until the headliners and the whole reason we were there - yup it's those Killers again! A big contrast from last night with its tiny venue and crowd, to tonight's gig in a massive field with up to 100,000 people. Thankfully four of those people were my fellow fans and friends and the five of us partied in that field like maniacs during the set. Brilliant performance as ever. Might be quite some time before I 'breathe that fire again' as the band are off to do solo projects for a bit. What a weekend.

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