Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Portie Groynes

Woke up this morning feeling knackered with a very sore neck after a late night and the bike ride yesterday. Decided not to go swimming at Portie beach with the Wild Swimmers but took J and SR down instead. They seemed to have a good swim but the waves on the way back were hard work. Took the opportunity to take a few photos while they were swimming, this being the best of them. Lots of people on the beach and what looked liked a volleyball competition going on.
Went food shopping and got back in time for some food before heading out with RD for the Thinking Drinkers fringe show. Not bad, some bad jokes but free beer.
Saw IB friend Hugh and his partner at the end so had a drink with them before coming home. Hugh was talking about doing the Strathpuffer next year and wanted me to work on IB to join. It soon became apparent that he also wants me to join as a team of 4. Not sure about this as it’s a 24 hour mountain bike race in January
J has been in all afternoon cooking some stuff for the freezer. Thai green curry for tea and an early night.

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