Seeing through

Annoyingly we were woken up at 6am by a barking fox. We hardly ever hear foxes and of course at 6am the Chickens would normally be in bed however because they are now a little more automated they were out. Looking out of the window we thought we could see a brown foxy looking thing in next doors garden so I went to investigate (picking up a camera on the way). As soon as I stepped out of the back door the fox stopped barking. I know a lot of blip folks like foxes but I really don't want them round here. I hope the fact that we have dogs will put them off.

That was not the best start to the day, the rest of which has been spent mainly loafing about interspersed with a little light DIY and gardening.

Poppy offered to help with my blip. We wanted to do a giant chicken storming through a city but decided that was a little beyond my skills so Pop suggested this instead.


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