
By sosorry

Christmas came early

Today Sarah and Ralph, Alison and Solomon and Sam and Steve came to lunch. If you add in Siobhan, that's a lot of people whose names begin with S. Of course there was also a proliferation of small boys: my three; Sam's two; and Alison's one. I'm sure someone will have a girl at some point, but one thing I'm also sure of, it's not going to be me!

It was supposed to be our Christmas get together but we couldn't manage to find a date in December we could all do! I initially refused to put up any decorations as it's not even bloody December yet, but Steve got a bit sad on Facebook when he heard this terrible news, so I relented and put up some garlands and a few lights. He seemed happy.

We had a lovely day. Andy and Lucy were also in situ as they'd come to stay for the weekend. I did warn them that it tends to get quite noisy when four Leicester girls get together but they seemed to cope fine! I was a bit hungover as Alex had foolishly brought out the Limoncello at barely 5pm the evening before, and I had made a very bad, drunken job of making dinner. At one point Lucy said: 'so what's the plan with the flatbreads?', which was her polite way of saying: 'Siobhan, you made some dough two hours ago, and now you're too shitfaced to remember that you made it, so pull yourself together, woman.'

When they all left I drank a lot of mint tea and went to bed at 8pm. Hardcore.

Is it just me, or are all my school friends really, really tall? I must have been subconsciously traumatised by this, as the friends I made at university are all really, really short.

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