Time for a Tickell

A lazy start and then over to Haslingfield to put some flowers on Ian's Grave., this makes me very sad and what happens when I get sad? So we popped into Cambridge Porsche ;)

Then some diy, grass cutting (you should see the stripes, they are spic) and then we got ready to go out.

It was Sarah's birthday last week and it is mine next week so we thought we all go out for dinner.
So we did. Everyone to ours first for drinks and then cabs over to the Tickell arms to eat.
The Tickell is a great place I used to go a lot many years ago when it was gloriously shambolic and the food could be a little variable.

It has been taken over by a local company and has been very well updated with some great attention to detail like playing Blackadder in the toilet so you can chuckle whilst you wee.
The food was all great (except the risotto but that is a tale for another day), everyone was on brilliant form and it was really good to spend time together.

There was even some very unpretentious Wine Talk..


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