Rain Pond

Met up with Myra and Sharon and their kids for a picnic at the South Inch Park. Weather started off lovely and we had brought chairs to sit on the grass and have our picnic. Then Sharon got a phone call from her partner to say to get under cover quick as there is a massive rainstorm due to hit soon. We just made it to the covered area at the old Bowling Club adjacent to the park when the heavens opened so we ate the picnic then.

Sun back out so chairs back in the open when it started again, heavier this time, filling up the dip at the flying fox making it into a deep pond! We started off by telling the kids not to go in it, but when one deliberately slid into the water from the zip slide, we gave up and they all jumped in having a fab time.

Then when a Tesco trolley was found behind a tree, sitting in it going down the hill into the water topped it off! Great fun for the kids, probably more fun than if we had a day of sun:)

Not sure what the Health and Safety police would have said but we were the only ones around apart from an elderly couple sheltering beside us and they were in stitches watching all the kids antics:)

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