
By RobinBanneville

Five Second Break Over

Here comes the Travel Trident, back from Herm with my next laundry pick-up.
(The Travel Trident obviously being the small catamaran heading through the pier heads and not that bloody great thing behind it ... The "bloody great thing behind it" is in fact the cruiser 'Ruby Princess' with the ability of carrying 3,599 passengers - most of which appeared to have been ferried ashore and were wandering aimlessly around town.)
(Although not actually visible here, there was also another slightly less "bloody great thing" moored further out into the channel - namely the 'Arcadia' with the ability of carrying just 2,556 passengers - and which from this angle is hiding behind the 'Ruby Princess'.)
Anyway ... as I indicated in the header, my five second break is over and it's back to work ... :o)

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