A little bit of Southport

I found this shell on the beach yesterday.

It was really hard dragging myself out of bed this morning after the blipjaunt yesterday and the late night, but I managed to get in the water for 7.33am. On the way home I called at Jude's and she asked if I would go to the Traff with her. I pedalled home quickly and snatched a bit of breakfast before she picked me up and we headed off to look at glasses for her.

The problem for Jude is...when she takes her glasses off and tries frames on she can't actually see them properly so she wanted some help. When you wear glasses all the time your face furniture has to be just right. I only wear glasses for reading and using the computer, but I think I need my eyes testing again so I tried on frames too...the only pair I really liked were a very funky expensive pair...sigh.

I had wanted to go to see the open air production of Robin Hood at Tatton Park tonight, but there was no-one around to go with. Instead I'm slobbing in my pjs and watching Star Wars.

Just out of interest....I was watching a quiz show the other day and a contestant was introduced, she said that her job was a beachcomber. How does a beachcomber make a living? It sounds like a great job, I think I want to be a beachcomber when I grow up.

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