Letters to a soldier

By Jessie0908

Aaaaaand relax

Hi Dan,
This morning we woke up and played together all morning. I was still feeling really poorly but Noah was wide awake and wanting attention :)
Then Sam and Natalie came to pick up Noah to take him out for the day, he got lots of cuddles and they went swimming too.
While he was gone I stayed in and cleaned the flat top to bottom and had a three hour nap which was lovely :) I then relaxed and watched tele then went to tescos to do a shop and have my car washed inside and out.
A very productive day :)
I met Sam Natalie and Noah at mum and dads and took Noah home.
He was very tired so went straight to bed.
A lovely day off for me and a lovely day out for Noah :-)
Love and miss you as always!

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