
By PurpleJane

Harvest Time

Harvesting has been happening for the last couple of weeks around here. I thought I'd missed taking a picture until I heard the combine whilst walking the dog. I hadn't my camera or mobile with me so after I'd arrived home I settled Brams down and set off again to the wood from where I'd sussed out a good view.

On arrival I removed the lens cap, turned on and......no memory card :-/ Very annoyed I trudged back home to retrieve it. I decided that I'd go round to the allotment as the dust showed me the combine had moved to the opposite end of the field. I arrived ten mins later to discover that a new padlock had been fitted and although we do have a key I thought it wouldn't be in use yet, consequently I'd not taken it :-(

The only option I had left was to walk up the road to a break in the hedge......this was successful, hooray!! A reasonable view at last!
These machines are mighty large but the farmers are very precise with their positioning and the fact that both the combine and collection vehicle were moving along whilst the grain was being dispensed was very clever indeed :-)

Sent from my iPad

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