Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Henry and I went to Lollibop today and we had a lovely time but I'm absolutely shattered now! We got into London at 11 and met our friends Frances and Ophelia, then got the train over to Hatfield.

We saw Justin (Mr Tumble), Mr Bloom and Thomas the tank engine, they played on slides and in houses, on bouncy castles and baby ballet. Henry had an hour long nap which I was very jealous of!

I had my face painted (Henry chickened out) and we had a very fancy looking snack made from a whole potato sliced in a spiral and deep fried - apparently it's a type of Korean street food which is big in Australia.

We missed our train back by seconds but luckily my complaining got us a seat on the next one without having to pay anything - maybe the face paint scared him!

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