Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

One is One

and all alone .......

This pair have had quite an airing since Kick-off.
Alas, no more.
Some time after this there was a gap in visits.
The one on "our" left was "Number one", he brought and tamed Number 2.

After the time lapse Number 2 returned, slightly more skittish, but still prepared to come down to the trough while I was within 6-10' of it.

It has had various hngers-on....A "Dark checquer", a "Mealy" and a "Red Checquer", but none has remained faithfull or become ground tame.

Big AWWWW! for number 2.


Main reason I've not been Blipping of late ... I timed this, very long session ... From start, via finding the photo I wanted to link to until I pressed and proof read "Preview" was 30 mins.

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