Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Lie-in this morning, up at 9am, quick breakfast and then into town.

Town relatively quiet for a Saturday - or is that just that Bracknell is a ghost town at the moment with the regeneration project (really!?) going on, meaning there is only half a town and lots of empty shops!

Bit of birthday pressie shopping for number 1 daughter (birthday Monday) - her last birthday as a "Miss" with the wedding now just under 6 months away.

Food shopping next on the list and even Sainsburys was very quiet! Not complaining as it was lovely, and as number 1 son is living away at the moment and number 1 daughter is fending for herself, we only have to worry about the two if us! (Shopping bill a bit cheaper)

Afternoon spent baking whilst him indoors mowed the lawn and tidied the garden.

Chilling this evening.


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