blip art :: xb

By xb


Down to Kenmore today ahead of Amy and Tom's wedding tomorrow. Pretty much out of range for any electronic equipment - no wifi (unless I was happy to pay a fortune), no signal for data, just the basic phone signal.

The A9 was slow on the way down with several sets if roadworks. I arrived in Kenmore around 3 o'clock and Amy and Tom were in a meeting at the hotel, so I took a wander around the whole village. Five minutes later I was back where I started. Kenmore is tiny, and reminds me of Emmerdale.

We spent the afternoon setting up the room for the wedding, then went to the chip shop in Aberfeldy for dinner. Amy went home to Rannoch after she dropped me and Tom back in Kenmore, and as more people arrived we had a few drinks in Tom's lodge.

All set for tomorrow. I just hope the weather is good...


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