twinned with trumpton


Sharp start to a tedious day of ToO; the flip side is there's plenty of scope between the tedium to do other things.

By lunchtime I'd fulfilled quota although I felt far from fulfilled.

Out to the office via returned mail; sunshine perked me up; office plunged me back down again and half an hour later I was back out for a briefing at George IV Bridge.

Given all the cultural bonanza at our disposal, the Inbetweeners 2 was the choice; quick drink before it and then 1 hr 30 mins of snort / grimace / lol / crunge /facepalm / guffaw later, we went to Nile Valley for dinner.

A great follow up to Wednesday; home with 19 (counted them!) other people; me the sole native. Bizarre. Normally my bus ride home is quiet contemplation. but not tonight!

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