Photo Scavenger Hunt
So we had a photo scavenger hunt at the cinema, and even though only 6 of us showed up, it was intense yo. It was Guillermo, Miguel, and I (the ultimate guys team) against Paige, Zulema, and Tori (da girls). We didn't think we'd win, but things are looking pretty good.
This one was of one of us (me) jumping off a swing for a pic, and it had to be mid-air, so I was focused more on posing for the pic than actually landing it.. so I didn't stick the landing. I kinda fell on my side and cut my leg and arm up a lil bit with the wood chips.. oops lol.
watched Lets Be Cops again with the guys! A lil weird when I was the only one laughing for some scenes.. oh well. It was sad saying bye to some of the guys.. until next time.
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