
By Skyroad


I took a drive out towards the docklands around 3.30, but as I came towards the roundabout near the toll booths I noticed the beautiful evening light on the mountains to my right. So I took a right turn instead and headed out by the Pigeon House. When I got the end of the road I drove a little farther, over the bumpy granite stones along the beginning of the South Wall, where I noticed another car had parked. Unlike the East Pier, there weren't people about: a red-faced old man sitting in his car and one or two distant figures along the wall. The evening was beautiful, the tide well in, waves roiling and slopping against the left side of the wall. On the right, the sea was breaking against the shored-up boulders and spilling across the walkway. I decided I'd walk about halfway, to the white building I could see in the distance, then turn round. I ended up getting my shoes soaked, but got some interesting angles; the wave was a lucky accident, just turned and caught it at the right moment.

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