I was busy as a bee today...

So a quick blip of another bee will have to do. There were plenty to choose from... The bees were all over the place this morning!

This odd little guy is a leaf cutter bee. Now normally, I'm not concerned about mingling with bees... I get right in the plants with them and they don't seem to care. But this one is the only bee that has ever made me a little nervous, as it's a bit aggressive and less patient than the other bees. It's gotten fed up with me and my lens and zoom right into my face! Today, it got upset with a giant bumble bee that had the bad luck to land on the same flower momentarily... The bumble quickly moved to another flower, but the cutter bee followed it and attacked the bumble several times until bumble left altogether. I usually give this guy a little extra room... Well, a few inches more than the others anyway. ;)

Grumpier in large.

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