Beauty and Sadness

Sunset over Lake Ontario

Time passed. But time flows in many streams. Like a river, an inner stream of time will flow rapidly at some places and sluggishly at others, or perhaps even stand hopelessly stagnant. Cosmic time is the same for everyone, but human time differs with each person. Time flows in the same way for all human beings; every human being flows through time in a different way.― Yasunari Kawabata

Sometimes life is full of joy and life then something happens to change it. I'm sad to say that one of my clients that I have come very close to, has taken a turn for the worst. This client obtained a ABI four years ago due to a heroin over dose, they were brought back to life but the lack of oxygen to the brain cause some damage to the brain. They say that you aren't supposed to become attach, but my question how do you not.

This Client is in the hospital because the cancer they have has spread to the brain and lungs. They are dying and I am helpless. I am sitting here wondering if that will be their last breathe. Their family is coming from another Province so they are all alone. I am here on my own time because I could not bare the thought of them dying alone. No one should ever die alone. It makes me think how life is too short and somethings and some people aren't important. I need to stop wasting my time...

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