
This morning, for a change I went and did some work. Just a small, simple job followed by looking at a bathroom refit which I will start at the end of the month. Back home for an early lunch and then my beautiful girl and I took the woofers along the shore, stopping to look at seals and collect groatie buckies.
We dropped the dogs back home and then headed out to Stromness to collect some stuff and to have a look at a visitor to the harbour. The Draken Harald Hårfagre sailed in last night and left this evening. Apparently she is the largest replica Viking ship in the world and she is beautiful. The crew were attending to various jobs on the boat and the smell of tar hung heavy in the air. I was very glad we took the time to have a look at her. Our trip to the Co-op afterwards took much longer than we would have expected. The Vikings were busy raiding the shop and seemed to have bought near enough everything.

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