And this was the view that we saw this afternoon when Phoebe and I went for our walk at 17.00. We had tried several times to go out, but each time the heavens opened!!

This view, for the benefit of those of you far away, doesn't give the viewer the realisation of scale. The straw bales at the top right corner of the picture is the large bales I blipped last week! That is my road to work, in the middle of stunning countryside.

You can see the storm clouds rising over the Brendon Hills, gathering, waiting to drop the heavy rain over us all here in the valley.

Work was very boring today, with not enough to do. You can tell it's August, with most of businesses etc. away on holidays.

One thing you will be pleased about is that after taking this photo, Phoebe took advantage of my distraction, and decided to roll in fox poo. I couldn't believe how one small white dog could suddenly turn into a green sludgy mess. She was left in no doubt that I was displeased. As soon as we arrived home, she was thrown into a soapy bath followed by the blow dryer. I think she will think twice before doing that again.

And it's nearly tomorrow. Our weekend bags are waiting to be packed for tomorrow when we escape the village due to the Stogumber Beer Festival, right next to us. We have stayed in the past and regretted it, so we are going back to Hampshire near the New Forest to visit some old friends.

I hope today has been kind to you all and look forward to reading your blips tomorrow. Sending love and hugs to you all. ~~~~ xx

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