Counting elephants

Charlotte awake just after six.
All of us downstairs by 7:30 ish.

Got rugged up to head to Croome, had mini meltdown when I realised the rain cover for the car seat wasn't in my car, luckily the person I was meeting had theirs to hand. Phew. Croome was lovely, Charlotte adores it there and had great fun den building. Had to do an open air nappy change with Wom but he just took it in his stride! Bless him.

Charlotte fell asleep about five minutes from home, I carried her up to bed and let her have a two hour sleep, she had her lunch when she woke up and demolished it. Wom too went to bed for an hour and a half so I managed to watch the Bake Off, prepare tea for Lee and I and get everything ready for cake baking once Charlotte was awake.

Cakes made, quite tasty but we didn't have enough butter or castor sugar so had to use spread and brown sugar and you can taste the difference. Whilst we were waiting for the cakes to cool we had the biggest thunderstorm going on. Using the counting method we only ever got to two so it was right on top of us. After each lightening strike a little voice would say me a little but scared so we started to count the number of elephants that were falling out of bed. Seemed to help.

Bedtime, daddy home, my cobbled together tea wasn't too bad at all.

In other news....
My friend had her baby today, one hour labour, she's stuck in her twenty four hours so they can monitor the baby as she was a tad shocked after the speedy delivery.
Another friends son has done very well in his A levels, given he has huge boulders thrown in his path since turning 13,he has done so so well.

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