autumn joy

By autumnjoy

he who must not be named

about 5 hours ago i was conceiving of this entry and i had such beautiful things i wanted to communicate. i was talking to a friend about brideshead and greene and poetry and snow and drinking tea to brave the cold winter days.

but since then, i have read more theory. i cant handle it. these people are writing NONSENSE. forgive my arrogance here, but, im not an idiot. i have studied philosophy, even read some hegel and kant - our blessed german heritage. what these STUPID literary theorists and critics are saying DOESNT MAKE SENSE.

clearly my mood was spoiled.

words i will never take seriously again include:

agency, spaces, discursive, socially-constructed, constitutive, others, otherness, generic, context.


i guess i just dont understand. you're writing an essay or a book because you have something to say. you want to communicate something. so why all the words? why string together and invert words and make 12 line sentences? cant you say it clearer? dont really have anything to say?

and if i have to read one more essay which assumes that truth and everything else in the world is merely socially constructed and contextualized within our particular discourses im going to throw my book against the wall.

in fact, i made this declarative statement an hour ago. i got home and took out my book to read. this is what i read:

"we need to be aware not only that genres are socially constructed but also that they are socially constitutive-- in other words, that we both create and are created by the genres in which we work."

so. i had to put the book down.

thank god for beer.

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