The Capital

Hi blippers!

Oh I was so happy and surprised to see a huge amount of stars for my night view over the lake yesterday!!!. Thank you a lot! I liked the shot so much, nice that you did too! ;)

Searching moon and blipping the view took my time so that I went all too late to bed and slept badly too - always have not so good sleep as I have to catch the morning train. My inner wake up alarm works too good, I quess...

Nice day in the capital, however. One of my meetings was at the second highest floor of the building and I suddently realised that the view over Helsinki is quite stunning in a way: I had found my blib for the day!

On the way back there came this youngster sitting next to me in the train - with a BIG Subway meal in his bag. No???! A Subway meal?!?! Quess how good it smelled???! Uuuhhh... I love Subway food... And I just had a lousy banana in my bag and so I just sat there and wondered id I should drive home via some Subway restaurant.

But I did not.

City life is not for me, I quess: I am happy to get back home and to the country in the evening - some swimming in a cool lake under diminishing moon and bathing in a hot sauna, peaceful nature and darkening night...


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