Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle . . .
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like . . .


At my age . . . you must be joking !
Seriously I have just got a bicycle – for the first time in far too many years.
Now I would like to say that this is my personal response to the Yorkshire Grand Depart . . . and that my place in the 2015 Tour de France is assured . . . but the real reason is so that I can provide bodyguard cover when Mr Hilton goes into the deep dark forest with one rider. I will provide escort duty ! He and L had a fall yesterday so I now need a blue light to be attached as well. Thankfully all back home now and safe - bar a few cuts and bruises.

My first journey went well – helmet on, bum on saddle and away we go . . . just as long as no cars or lorries come near me I will be fine . . . hehe . . . Stay safe !

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