
By Augenweide

Floorball fun

Sorry for the awful photo but I was already late to the session and I had to get changed quickly so we had an actual goalkeeper. Apart from getting to run more, the only downside to playing in goal is that you can't get any good action shots from the sidelines as you're always on the pitch.

Anyway, here's Matt making a bursting run from defence...I wish I could remember whether or not he scored after this but we'll just say he did. Last ever recre and for a sport that I'd never heard of at the start of second year, I sure am gonna miss playing with these guys. From the fill-in goalie for the 3rd to part of the Exec, the floorball club really welcomed me after an injury that I thought would rule me out of sport for a long time. It's been a huge part of my life at uni and I can't wait for Old Boys now!

Quick rush to Duke's with the flat as a final celebration. Forgot how nice the food there was. We played the slightly modified version of Cards against Humanity when we got back which is always a great way to end the night. This went on until about 2am but when it's the last few days you may as well enjoy the moment. Sleep's overrated anyway!

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