Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Poor reflections

Yesterday, I decided to purchase an older zoom lens. I was told that it was in great shape, and it looked it. Because of its age, it was inexpensive. I knew that it was one of Nikon's early zooms made in Japan and I had read good things about it. Knowing that I had a 10 day return policy, I decided to give it a try.

I mounted it on my camera this morning and took my morning walk. I found the zoom ring to be fairly sloppy, and the aperture ring to be very stiff. But it autofocused reasonably well, and focused well in manual.

After downloading the raw files, and converting them to dng, I was very disappointed at the image quality. Sharpness falls dramatically at the wide end and also the telephoto end, both wide open and stopped down. It performs at a mediocre level at 35mm and 50mm.

So, I think I have made my decision to return it.

You get what you pay for, I guess.

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