Gabby's journal...

By gabbypacitti

Cocco Before Chanel

saw Cocco before chanel after school today and it was good, all in french with subtitles tho. only 3 of 4 of us watched it after school including our art teacher cos it was an art film night club.Had to wait 40mins hour for my bus the 42, which never comes on time and it was about 6:10 when i got it. Got off, walked for 10 mins and stopped to my grans on the way even though i was meant to go home straight away because my 12 year old brother was home alone. jees. well stopped for 30 mins (oops) and my uncle (to be) passed unexpectadly. This pic is of them discussing the room plans for their first house inbetween mines and my grans which is lucky, so after school i can go home and stop to my grans on the way and then stop to theirs and then get home! well they b=never even knew i took some pictures and i know the pics crap quality but i didnt want to put the flash on and let them realise what i was doing or they might not have wanted me too take one so yeah. Thats my day.

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