
4years 296days

I think Katie was a tired bear today. It felt like a "mummy, I am a tired bear but can't quite express it verbally so will do so in other manners" day. She had fun dancing her show dance with me this morning. She played ballet class with her soft friends and pretend friends. We headed out mid morning and went to the parcel office- quite a cycle for her. We then headed into town to do some shopping for a "granny's birthday is on Friday" secret mission. She had very proudly written all we needed on the list, and did a super job of it. She carried the list through town carefully checking we had it all. We went for a drink after that. On the way, she asked to get something to eat and decided she wanted a carrot. "I want the biggest carrot in the world" she said. I think she may have succeeded in finding and eating just that! We had a wee sit down before a run round in the gardens next to a lovely church. She did her dance a few more times, ran, skipped, climbed. And jumped a mile when the church bells chimed for half past the hour!

It was then off to swimming. We have moved her time half an hour later and were expecting that to mean she moved classes from her swimming buddy. We learnt today that in fact they've moved too! She was away today but will be back next week. She had a good lesson because there were only three of them, although she seemed a bit tired for the first half. Second half she swam much better. She messed about a bit after class, which meant we got stuck at the level crossing for the closure that is for a double train, which in turn meant we missed our bus by seconds. She took it impressively stoically, all things considered. She took herself straight to bed though when we arrived home!

PS thanks for helping yesterday's wee shot hit spotlight x

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