Watch out for adders!!

Went for a walk along the lane this afternoon and met the farmer. We always seem to meet the farmer when we go for a walk along the lane. We think the farmer spends the whole day walking up and down the lane because it doesn’t matter what time we go, he’s always there. Ann wanted to Blip him but that would have meant standing around explaining what BLIP is and Ann’s a bit busy today.

He always says the same thing. ‘Where are you going?’

Well sometimes we do a circular walk through the fields, sometimes we walk to the end of the lane and go down a footpath onto the coastal path and sometimes we just walk to the end of the lane, turn around and come back.

The farmer doesn’t care what our answer is because his reply is always the same. ‘Watch out for adders’.

In all fairness, we did actually see an adder about 3 years ago. But the farmer seems to see adders every day.

A few days ago he told us that an adder was lurking around, half way along the lane. Apparently it had been there for four days.

Today he said, ‘Watch out for adders. That big bugger’s about again, so he is. Well he was 10 mins ago’.

Ann’s spent the last two months walking along the lane, clutching a camera, ready to photograph the ‘big bugger’. …………………..And she’s always been 10 mins too late??!!

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