Johnny the bog...
Heron Rises from The Dark, Summer Pond
So heavy
is the long-necked, long-bodied heron,
always it is a surprise
when her smoke-colored wings
and she turns
from the thick water,
from the black sticks
of the summer pond,
and slowly
rises into the air
and is gone.
Mary Oliver
This heron was fishing at low tide off the old pier at Bantry. I liked her ripply reflection. Two minutes later the heavens opened and I had to rush for the car.
The first blackberries are ripe and the apples are now edible . Blackberry and apple jam just made - hope it sets. A lovely unaccompanied swim, a skype with son#2 and we're shortly off to Kilcrohane to see a version of Under Milk Wood - could be interesting, will the accents be Irish or Welsh?? I'll report back.
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