
By paff1

It's a long way to Tipperary - origins of the song

During the First World War, Daily Mail correspondent George Curnock saw the Irish regiment the Connaught Rangers singing this song as they marched through Boulogne on 13 August 1914 and reported it on 18 August 1914. The song was quickly picked up by other units of the British Army.

There are many of these handkerchiefs held in museums worldwide, from UK, to Canada to Australia.

Interestingly there are several accounts of the origin of the song. However, I found this article on the internet from Feb 2014, which to me bears substance.

Legendary wartime song's name was changed in a pub bet and it still garners royalties today

Marching towards the unknown terrors of the First World War in August 1914, young soldiers of the Connaught Rangers broke into their favourite marching song.

The rousing tune of It’s A Long, Long Way To Tipperary echoed through the narrow streets of the French port of Boulogne, building camaraderie and chasing away fear as the 1st Battalion of one of the British Army’s Irish regiments headed for the Western Front.

Within weeks the song’s popularity had spread among all the troops fighting the Germans and it became one of the four-year war’s defining symbols.

One hundred years ago this was at first unknown to the man who had written the song five years earlier. Harry Williams, 41, was 300 miles away in rural Warwickshire, unable to answer the call to arms because he had been confined to a wheelchair since a childhood accident.

But the popularity of his song among the British troops meant Harry did a lot for the war effort. And to this day his surviving relatives get more than £30,000 a year in royalties from all over the world for Tipperary – a legacy of the song’s enduring popularity.

In the last 100 years it is estimated three million copies have been sold in the USA and another five million around the world.

Despite its Irish name, the homesick ballad began in the unlikely surroundings of the Black Country in 1909 – and instead of Tipperary, the lyric originally spoke of Connemara.

Harry was born in Erdington, Birmingham, in 1873 and spent his childhood living in pubs run by his parents Henry and Mary.

As a schoolboy he fell down the cellar steps in one pub, breaking both legs and putting him in a wheelchair.

Unable to play in the streets with his friends, Harry developed a talent for songwriting. Then, at around the turn of the century, he met a man called Jack Judge at his brother’s pub, The Malt Shovel in Oldbury, West Midlands , and they began writing songs together.

“Jack had a fish stall outside and they became partners,” says Harry’s great-niece Meg Pybus. “They were a team and wrote about 32 songs in total. Jack was a great singer and my Uncle Harry was a musician. He wrote lots of songs and poetry.”

After they came up with It’s A Long Way to Connemara, Jack regularly performed the ballad during concerts, But it was another three years before the song took its final shape.

A keen gambler, he was set a five-shilling challenge to compose and perform a song within 24 hours at the New Market Inn in Stalybridge, Cheshire.

Wily Jack simply changed Connemara to Tipperary, winning the bet and delighting his audience with the catchy “new” song.

Bert Feldman, a London music impresario, heard about the song and within months had released the sheet music with a small but important change.

“Bert published all 32 of their songs,” says Meg, “He told them Tipperary wouldn’t be a hit unless they made it into a marching song and added an extra ‘long’. “I don’t know if he saw the war coming. Anyway they changed it and he published it and the rest is history.”

A Connaught Rangers captain had heard a busker playing the song in Galway the previous year and encouraged his troops to sing it during marches.

Journalist George Curnock, in France at the time, heard the singing soldiers on their way to the front and reported the story of Tipperary for the first time.

“The song instantly went around the world and was sung by all the soldiers,” says Meg, from Hopesay, Shrops.

Harry and Jack earned £1,680, equivalent to more than £150,000 today, from sales of Tipperary in the 12 months after its release.

“Harry eventually became sole rights holder and we still get his royalties to this day,” says Meg. “Jack was a gambler and owed money to Harry and my grandfather. Rather than pay them he gave away his rights to Tipperary.”

In the end, word of the song’s popularity among the troops got back to Harry, living with his parents in the Plough Inn pub in Honiley, Warks, at the time. Moved by the story, he donated £1,000 – £65,000 today – to the Great War Injured Beneficiary Fund.

But when Harry died from pneumonia at 50 in March 1924, his role in one of the nation’s most famous songs all but died with him.

“His part in the song was quickly forgotten about,” says Meg. “Jack took all the credit for writing it and it became his song. Because he sung it, everybody just accepted that he wrote it too. Jack couldn’t write music – it was Harry who wrote it.

“When Harry died I think everyone forgot about him. He is a forgotten hero. We’ve always had this thing in our family to try and prove he was the one who wrote Tipperary.

“They are like Rogers and Hammerstein, Gilbert and Sullivan – you never knew who actually wrote the song.

“Jack couldn’t write music. He couldn’t have written it down, so I don’t know how anyone can quibble over it.”

Meg eventually decided to launch a campaign to have Harry’s part in writing Tipperary officially recognised.

“It got to the stage where I felt I had to do something,” she says.

“We got together in 2012 as a family, my cousins and myself, and looked through an enormous amount of material we had been left.

“I put it all on a website and sent it off to the Imperial War Museum. They now have the paperwork in their archive and they wrote letters saying they recognise his role in the song. It was 2012 when we got the formal recognition that he wrote the song. Before then, he was just recognised as the rights-holder.”

However, the song’s Wikipedia entry has not caught up and still claims it was “written by Jack Judge and co-credited to, but not co-written by, Henry James ‘Harry’ Williams”.

Tipperary is now the longest-earning song in musical history, even raking in cash from ringtones and YouTube.

Though copyright expires 70 years after a composer’s death in Britain, ­royalties still arrive. Meg gets a one-eighth share, about £4,000 a year.

“The royalties we have now come from all over the world,” she says. “I can’t believe we’re still getting paid for it 100 years later. The rights passed on to my grandfather when Harry died, then on to my mother and her sisters, and now through to the cousins. We get cheques every six months. It’s everything from ringtones, cruise ship performances, YouTube hits and jukeboxes. The individual amounts are absolutely tiny, but when they are all added up it comes to quite a sum.”

Arguments continue over where the song was written, with the residents of Honiley and Oldbury at loggerheads to this day.

“We can’t say for certain where it was written, nobody can, but my grandfather and other relatives always said it was at the Plough Inn,” says Meg.

“Harry lived there from 1900 until he died. His name is on all the original sheet music, so there is no doubt he wrote it. Jack’s family claim it was written by him in the Malt Shovel, but as far as we’re concerned it was in the Plough. I remember going to my grandfather’s house as a child – Tipperary was always being played. I grew up with the song.”

The Plough Inn was renamed The Tipperary Inn in Harry’s honour in the 1940s and remains a shrine to the famous song to this day.

“It’s a terribly sad song in many ways, given the connotations attached to it nowadays. It’s a strange story, because if it wasn’t for that bet in Stalybridge or the outbreak of war the song would never have become so popular.”

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